POP is a division of Spritz entirely dedicated to the promotion and valorization of cultural projects.
Its mission: bring cultural projects to life and mobilize a community behind outstanding, inspiring works. By giving workers in the cultural sector the means to achieve their ambitions, POP aims to raise the profile of their work and promote greater representation of diversity in all its forms in the various cultural spheres.
Audience development puts existing and potential audiences at the heart of all activities, using marketing processes to develop lasting relationships.
Objectives and budgets are defined in advance, according to the platforms chosen and the target audience. As the campaign progresses, we monitor the public’s impressions, making adjustments to the budget and platforms to achieve the objectives. This is known as optimization.
We can help you shine through your digital presence. From consulting, co-creation and design-thinking workshops, to training and ongoing support, we help you start your strategic thinking by analyzing your needs and tools.
A strategy is essential if your project is to have an impact. The objectives are determined (who you want to talk to, how you want to talk to them and on what platform), and then the priorities for action are defined.
Optimized copywriting, or SEO, involves writing texts in the language used by your audience, while respecting a structure understood by search engines. This helps put you at the top of the search results.
What type of content gets the most reactions? How many new followers have you gained as a result of ad content? Our team can help you answer these questions so that you can optimize your performance across your platforms.
Ouvert à tous et disponible en location, le studio est équipé pour la prise de photo, les tournages vidéo, l’enregistrement de balados et les événements personnels ou corporatifs.